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The Wall I Built Myself - 1969
Bob Brown

1) It Takes Time To Make A Feather Fall
2) Quiet Waterfall
3) Monday Virus
4) First Light
5) Winds Of Change
6) Selena
7) Seek The Sun
8) Icarus

Spontaneity drifts through The Wall I Built Myself, Bob Brown’s 1970 debut album produced by Richie Havens. The D.C. folk artist’s distinctive chord changes animate his music…

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Willoughby’s Lament - 1970
Bob Brown 

1) If I Live Alone
2) Interlude
3) Baby Child
4) Of Breath And Skin
5) Willoughby's Lament (Part 1)
6) In These Flames
7) Kindly Leave My Heart
8) Death In Dreams
9) For Pamela
10) Light Of Children Come
11) Willoughby's Lament (Part 2)

Produced by Richie Havens. And, in December 1971, Billboard magazine gave the album 4-stars and wrote, “Willoughby’s Lament conveys a quiet tenderness and charm.”...

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No Refunds For The Rain
Bob Brown

1) No Refunds for the Rain
2) Through The Years
3) Hit The Truth
4) Emotion
5) Like a Fawn
6) Smiling Through
7) End Of the Night
8) Let Me Be Your Love
9) Asking You to Come Back
10) Do What You Got To Do
11) Quiet Waterfall  

“No Refunds for the Rain” was recorded in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s. Produced by Mark Greenhouse and arranged by Eagles guitarist Steuart Smith at various Washington area studios, it features somewhat fuller arrangements...

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Hit the Truth
Bob Brown and Aleta Greene

1) Hit the Truth
2) The Time We Spend
3) No Refunds for the Rain  
4) Lover’s Lullaby
5) Smiling Through 
6) Can I dream of You Tonight
 7) Wasting my Time
 8) Lover and a Friend
 9) Easy to Begin
 10) It Takes the World to Make a Feather Fall
 11) Dawning Light 
 12) Metal Rose

“Hit the Truth” also features material written with poet David Franks from the mid’70s engineered and produced by George Massenburg with showcasing vocalist Aleta Greene...

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Let Me Be Your Love
Bob Brown & Aleta Greene

1) Let me be your love
2) Child of the Light
3) Close of Day 
4) Perfect Song
5) Close our eyes
6) Sliding on the Borderline
7) Hard to Say it’s Over
8) Oh Woman Child
9) Lies that are True
10) Be my Baby
11) Hiding
12) If I had a Dream

The years following Bob Brown’s alignment with Richie Havens, Bob worked on this album which also included works produced by George Massenburg...

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